I'm going to LADY GAGA tonight at Wrigley Field in Chicago this evening. I'm excited. I've been excited for the last 6 months. It was one of those concerts that I heard about after her Super Bowl Half-time Show and immediately said "I'm getting tickets and actually going". Not saying I'm going to--but actually doing it. I want this concert that badly, because for me, I always have intentions of going but never follow through or never really care enough to want to spend money or figure out the logistics of getting there, beat crowds, surviving standing in the sea of people, paying for overpriced drinks, using gross bathrooms or worse, port-a-pots. However, this concerts I'll do all that for. GaGa is that good to me.
Which made me realize that all the concerts I've actually gone to have all been burned into my memory. I can remember specific details like what I wore, who I was with, how I felt, what the weather was like--it's all put into a little concert capsule waiting for me to revisit anytime I want. Which makes me very happy that I didn't pass on that concert and makes me want to not on any going forward. Will we really remember that other thing we did instead of going to a concert? Probably not.
Everyone at some point is asked what their very first concert was. Usually it's the most special and had I'd know it at the time I would have made it a really big concert but for me it was THE WALLFLOWERS not Bob Dylan but his son's band. It was epic! I was 14 and was with my three siblings and two cousins in Des Moines. I remember how beautiful the sky was and how wonderful Jacob Dylan's voice was as it boomed through the speakers all around us. I felt like I was on top of the world--all grownup with my siblings by my side!
Book those tickets. Go to the concert. Buy that damned concert T-shirt! Pass it down to your teenager someday and tell them the story that will be so vividly etched in your mind. Then take them to their first concert or at least make sure they make their first one epic!
XO Mol